It’s time to renew your 2024 Riverside HOA Membership. Click HERE to renew!!
The Riverside community is located in Sandy Springs, GA along the beautiful setting of the Chattahoochee River. We are comprised of over 700 homes and offer convenience to outdoor adventures/activities as well as wonderful dining, shopping and more. In addition to nationally ranked public schools, we are conveniently located near many of Atlanta’s top private schools. Riverside is an active and friendly community and we are glad you are here!
Congrats 2024 Seniors
Stay Safe Riverside
Vacation plans?
When you are planning to travel, especially for an extended period of time, consider having the SSPD do a complimentary home check.
When you are planning to travel, especially for an extended period of time, consider having the SSPD do a complimentary home check.
Summer time in Riverside!
With school out for the summer, more kids will be playing on our streets. Please drive the speed limit and obey all traffic signs. Parents, remind your kids to be careful when riding scooters and bikes in the neighborhood.
Also, we have received a few questions about golf carts in the neighborhood. Sandy Springs does not have a specific ordinance regarding golf cart usage, but here are the rules in the state of Georgia.
In Georgia, golf carts fall under the broader category of motorized vehicle, which are allowed to be driven on state streets, provided they meet specific requirements.
To operate a golf cart in Georgia:
The driver must be at least 12 years old and not exceed the top speeds allowed.
Drivers under 16 years of age must be supervised by a licensed adult who is at least 18 years old.
If the driver is 15 years old and has a permit, they can operate the golf cart alone.
Please follow these laws to keep everyone safe.
Also, we have received a few questions about golf carts in the neighborhood. Sandy Springs does not have a specific ordinance regarding golf cart usage, but here are the rules in the state of Georgia.
In Georgia, golf carts fall under the broader category of motorized vehicle, which are allowed to be driven on state streets, provided they meet specific requirements.
To operate a golf cart in Georgia:
The driver must be at least 12 years old and not exceed the top speeds allowed.
Drivers under 16 years of age must be supervised by a licensed adult who is at least 18 years old.
If the driver is 15 years old and has a permit, they can operate the golf cart alone.
Please follow these laws to keep everyone safe.
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